University of Montpellier
Region: Western Europe
Country/Region: France
Found Year: 2015
Address: 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet

Created in 2015 through the merger of Universities Montpellier 1 and 2, the University of Montpellier (UM) draws from the excellence and synergy of these two institutions.Consequently, it rekindles the multidisciplinary ambition of the first university established in Montpellier in 1289, a secular and international university. For eight centuries, renowned scholars and scientists, from Rabelais and Curie, to Renaudot, Chaptal and Grothendieck, have shaped this open university, closely tied to the life of the city and committed to the key challenges of its time. Today, the University of Montpellier brings together an extensive community of knowledge, from sciences, technical arts, medicine and environmental sciences, to educational sciences, economics, law and political science. RESEARCH GEARED TOWARDS THE NEEDS OF THE 21st CENTURY SOCIETY Acknowledged in worldwide university rankings (Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, QS ranking, THE), University of Montpellier is internationally recognised for its expertise in many scientific fields such as health-biology, agro-environmental science, chemistry, information and communication technologies and science, and more. It coordinates 5 Laboratories of Excellence and 7 Equipment of Excellence projects. From space exploration and robotics, to eco-engineering or chronic diseases, the University researchers aim to provide innovative responses for mankind and the environment around us. AN ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE TO WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH UM provides its researchers with the required technological platforms and facilities for cutting-edge research (BioCampus, CEMIPAi, CR2I…). For example, it is equipped with a University Space Centre (USC) and an integrated human movement studies facility, Euromov. It works in partnership with the Montpellier CHRU (Regional University Hospital Centre), which ranks 6th in France, and with the Nîmes CHRU as well as with a myriad of research institutions represented in Montpellier: CNRS, INSERM, INRA, CIRAD, IRD, INRIA, IRSTEA, CNES, CEA, IFREMER… PRIORITY GOES TO GENERATING VALUE UM maintains strong links with state-of-the-art industries established in the region, especially in the biomedical and new technology sectors (Horiba, IBM, Sanofi…). Joint-research stakeholders have access to many of the UM’s laboratories.Montpellier enjoys an ecosystem conducive to technology transfer that comprises 5 competitiveness clusters, a high-tech park and a business incubator (Montpellier Agglomeration Business Innovation Centre, BIC), ranked in the world’s top 5. UM also partners with the regional agency in charge of value generating (SATT AxLR, a technology transfer acceleration company for innovative projects derived from academic research). A WIDE RANGE OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES A multidisciplinary university, University of Montpellier is made up of 17 schools organised into two main complementary fields of study. It offers students an opportunity to train in multiple areas in order to meet the needs of tomorrow’s demanding careers, combining robotics/engineering and health, economics and environment, law and information technologies, and more. UM’s strategy revolves around inter-disciplinary and multi-skill training programmes. A UNIVERSITY CLOSELY TIED TO ITS REGION The University of Montpellier is a highly-valued stakeholder in the Region, with over 4,500 members of staff, 43,000 students and a budget close to 400 million euros. UM plays an essential role in the development of its region. In addition to its economic impact, UM is deeply committed to disseminating academic, scientific and cultural knowledge and to contributing to the international recognition of the city. A STRONG POSITION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL Ranked 6th top national university in France according to size and budget, UM is ideally located in the South of France. It benefits from great exposure and strives to increase its attractiveness by promoting specific funding mechanisms such as programmes designed for post-doctoral students. Bernard Reichen - Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole AN INTERNATIONALLY ORIENTED UNIVERSITY For a period of study abroad, thousands of students choose Montpellier as their destination. Yearly, the University welcomes more than 500 foreign students representing around 130 nationalities. Its global network covers all 5 continents via partnerships that were successfully created and developed encompassing 573 partner universities and higher education institutes in some 89 countries. These agreements encourage mobility at all levels: for students, professor-researchers and other members of staff. Just like Montpellier, which is an open, cosmopolitan city, UM contributes to intercultural exchanges and knowledge transfer. A MYRIAD OF INTERNATIONAL NET WORKS UM is a key player in numerous European exchange programmes, such as Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus. It is also a member of the Coimbra network, an umbrella body comprising around forty historical European universities. Further afield, UM belongs to the Latinus network, which brings together higher education institutions of the Latin world, the French-speaking University Agency (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) and ASAIHL (South-East Asian Institutions of Higher Learning); UM also takes part in networks that provide extensive opportunities for international development. EXPOSURE THROUGH RESEARCH UM received the European award “HR Excellence in Research” in March 2015. The university’s quest for excellence in research is embedded in its strategy to contribute to the development of the European Research Area, and to increase the university’s exposure on an international level. A MULTI-SITE UNIVERSITY From the Northern and the Southern parts of Montpellier to its downtown area, UM’s various sites are located right at the heart of the Mediterranean city and advocate university life as part of the urban landscape. All the sites are located near tramway line 1 and form a real campus network. UM also contributes to an effective network in the region, with premises in Béziers, Carcassonne, Mende, Nîmes, Sète and Perpignan. Ranked 2nd best French city to study, Montpellier has exceptional advantages: 300 days of sunshine per year, easy access to the sea (a 15 minute drive) and France’s largest pedestrian city centre. OPTIMAL STUDYING AND WORKING CONDITIONS A community outreach network has been set up to make university life as easy as possible. Departments for information and careers guidance, international relations, physical and sports activities as well as preventive medicine and health allow for proximity within the university community. DYNAMIC, INDEPENDENT STUDENT LIFE The UM provides its students with premises for recreation and socialising: the Maisons des étudiants (student centres) are run by students, for students, and provide space for exchanging and creating. The university also organises cultural events (concerts, conferences, film screening, exhibitions) and promotes artistic production (recording studios, workshops and more). MUSE MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITY OF EXCELLENCE FEED : Promoting an innovative agriculture to contribute to food security and environmental quality PROTECT : Fostering a transition towards a sustainable-management oriented and environmentally-friendly society CARE : Improving human health in changing environments The “Montpellier University of Excellence” project gathers the forces of 19 institutions towards a common ambition: create in Montpellier a thematic research-intensive university that will be internationally recognized for its impact in the fields of agriculture, environment and health. For all its consortium members, this university strives to act as the academic partner they can establish strong ties with, and on which they can fully rely. Collective intelligence to address societal challenges The vision of a Planet with seemingly unlimited resources is coming to an end, and the world needs to sustainably manage limited and finite natural resources. Continuing human population growth increases the need for goods and services, resulting in substantial alteration of most ecosystems on Earth and food safety difficulties for the most fragile populations. At the same time, populations face novel health problems that may be linked to environmental issues or lifestyles (infectious diseases, chronic pathologies). Resulting factors – such as biodiversity loss, climate change, disturbance of the water cycle, changes in land use (urbanization, deforestation, intensive farming), food and nutrition insecurity, increasing number of toxic agents – bring the world to face unprecedented challenges and rely on scientific research for providing sustainable solutions to a series of issues that include: emerging diseases in man, plants, and animals, human health alterations, increasing pressure on ecosystems and the environment, non-sustainable management of natural resources such as those derived from agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture systems, and more. Three major societal challenges With significant scientific concentration in the Montpellier area in the fields of Agriculture, Environment and Health, MUSE brings together a scientific, institutional and economic community to address three major intertwined challenges that are consistent with the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change: Feed, Protect, Care. Towards a thematic research-intensive university To address these challenges, the University of Montpellier and its 18 partners seek to create a thematic research-intensive university that will be internationally recognized for its impact in the fields of agriculture, environment and health. For all its consortium members, this university strives to act as the academic partner they can establish strong ties with, and on which they can fully rely.

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
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Agricultural Sciences
Water Resources
Food Science & Technology
Remote Sensing
Veterinary Sciences
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students