University of Warsaw
Region: Eastern Europe
Country/Region: Poland
Found Year: 1816
Address: Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28

The University of Warsaw, established in 1816, is Poland's biggest and best public university, playing a major role in the intellectual, political and cultural life of the country and recognized throughout the world as one of the leading academic centres in Central-Eastern Europe. The basis of the University’s activity is the unity of teaching and research, and the harmonious development of all branches of knowledge represented in its curriculum. The University’s civic mission is the formation of elites through providing its students with high professional qualifications and preparing them for proper fulfilment of future public roles by shaping their attitudes and developing their personalities. The cultural mission of the University is a synthesis of universal and local values. This aim is achieved by combining the universal techniques of communication and knowledge with maintenance of respect for the historical and cultural identity of the region and the state. The University is a place of a diversity of scientific research, the output of which is propagated throughout the society regionally, nationally, and worldwide. THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION The University of Warsaw educates 36'000 undergraduate and graduate students, 1'900 Ph.D. students and almost 1'200 non-degree post-diploma students, not counting the UW Open University students of all ages, including children. The University employs 8'000 people, including over 4'000 academic staff. Currently, there are 25 faculties and 30 other academic and research units, including the Centre of New Technologies and University Technology Transfer Centre. Students are offered over 200 programmes of 1st, 2nd and long cycle Master’s studies in humanities, social, exact and natural sciences, numerous interdisciplinary programmes, as well as 44 English-language programmes and 22 double degree programmes run by UW and international partners. PhD education is conducted in four newly-established multidisciplinary doctoral schools, where the students implement an individual research plan. Students may learn 36 different languages and receive the Language Proficiency Certificate. The University System of Language Provision was distinguished by the European Union with the European Language Label of the Labels award. The quality of education is confirmed by the annual appraisals conducted by the University itself. Results demonstrate that the majority of students are satisfied with their selection of the university and the education programme and that having a diploma from the University of Warsaw is a definite asset in the job market; 90% of respondents find employment within a year of obtaining a degree. UNIVERSITY OF RESEARCH The high level of scientific research, as well as its connection with diversity and attractiveness of teaching methods determine the highest position of the University in the country and its strong reputation worldwide recognized also by prestigious international rankings. The University employs over 4'000 scholars. Their scientific enquiry extends over 1'300 research topics; students who they concurrently teach have the opportunity of joining in their research projects. The University of Warsaw is present in more than 20 countries in 5 continents through archaeological excavations, ethnography and cultural studies research. The archaeologists who investigate the ancient Egypt have at their disposal the University’s Research Station in Cairo. Polish telescopes operate at the Las Campanas Observatory in the Atacama Desert, Chile, where UW astronomers perform large-scale sky surveys. COOPERATION The University of Warsaw cooperates actively with over 1'000 foreign and national institutions and collaborates with 350 partners from 76 countries within direct cooperation agreements. The level of internationalization makes the University one of the leading academic institutions in Central-Eastern Europe. The University is a member of numerous international societies and research networks. The University belongs to the 4EU+ European University Alliance together with Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Milan, University of Geneva and Paris-Panthéon-Assas University. IN THE HEART OF EUROPE The University of Warsaw community includes 4'000 foreigners: students, doctoral students, employees and grantees of, among others, the Erasmus+ programme. According to the European Commission’s assessment of academic exchanges, the University of Warsaw is one of the leaders among over 3'000 institutions in the entire Europe. Located in Warsaw, the University is at the centre of political and economic life and has a lively social and cultural scene.

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
All Subjects
Best Ranked Subjects
Subject Rank
Political Sciences
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Programs
American Studies
Ancient Oriental Culture
Applications of Physics In Biology and Medicine (4)
Applied Linguistics (Current Name: Applied Linguistics - Translation - Glottodidactics (1)
Arabic Studies
Archaeology (2)
Belarusian Philology (1)
Chemistry (2)
Classical Philology (Current Name: Classics and Mediterranean Studies) (1)
Cultural Studies Central and Eastern Europe (1)
Cultural, Cultural Knowledge (1)
Eastern Studies (1)
Economy (3)
Energy and Nuclear Chemistry (1)
English Philology (1)
Environmental Protection (1)
Environmental Protection (Current Name: The Protection of Nature) (2)
Ethnology (Current Name: Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology) (1)
European Studies, Ce (Current Name: European Studies - European Studies) (1)
European Studies, Wdinp (Current Name: European Studies In European Integration Processes) (1)
European Studies, Wdinp (Current Name: European Studies In Implementing Policies of The European Union) (2)
Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economic Sciences (Current Name: Finance, Investment and Accounting) (1)
Finance and Accounting, Wz (Current Name: Finance, Accounting and Insurance) (1)
Finno-Ugric Philology (1)
Geography (2)
Geology and Applied Geology (2)
Germanic Philology (Current Name: Germanic) (1)
He Civilization of The Mediterranean (1)
History (1)
Iberian (2)
Informatics and Econometrics (1)
Information Media (1)
Information Science and Librarianship (1)
Interdisciplinary Economic and Managerial Studies (1)
Interdisciplinary Economic Studies Math (1)
Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (Current Name: Environment) (1)
Internal Security
International Relations (1)
Iranian Studies
Italian Philology (1)
Journalism and Communication (3)
Korea Research
Learning About The Family (1)
Liberales Arts (1)
Logistics and Marketing In The Media (1)
Logistics of The Media (2)
Makrokierunek Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (Current Name: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (1)
Makrokierunek, Energy and Nuclear Chemistry (Current Name: Energy and Nuclear Chemistry) (1)
Makrokierunek, Engineering Nanostructures (Current Name: Engineering of Nanostructures) (1)
Makrokierunek, Local Government and Regional Policy (Current Name: Local Government and Regional Policy) (1)
Makrokierunek, Study of Languages ​​And Cultural Studies (Current Name: Philological Studies - About Culture) (1)
Management (2)
Mathematics (3)
Misha - Interdisciplinary Studies (Current Name: Individual Inter-Territorial Humanities Studies - Mish) (1)
Mismap - Interdisciplinary Studies (Current Name: Individual Inter-Territorial Studies In Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Mismap) (1)
Musicology (1)
Oriental (11)
Pedagogy (Ob.Nazwa: Andragogy, Social and Educational Pedagogy, Pedagogy of A Small Child, Special Education and Education) (1)
Philology Bałtystyka (Current Name: Baltic Studies) (1)
Philology Nowogrecka (1)
Philosophy (2)
Photo Release - Advertising and Publishing (1)
Physics (4)
Polish Literature (2)
Polish Literature and Polish Language In The European Civilization (Object Name: Polish Literature and Culture In A European Perspective (1)
Political Science (1)
Psychology (1)
Public Relations and Media Marketing (1)
Roman Philology (2)
Russian Philology (2)
Science (2)
Social Policy (1)
Social Prevention and Rehabilitation (1)
Social Work (1)
Sociology Is (1)
Sociology, Isns (1)
Speech Therapy (1)
Teaching English (3)
Teaching German (3)
Teaching of French (3)
The History of Art (1)
Translation (1)
Translation Specialist (Current Name: Applied Linguistics) (15)
Turkish Studies
Ukrainian Philology (Current Name: Ukrainistyka) (1)
Western and Southern Slavic Studies (Current Name: Slavic) (1)
Graduate Programs
Accounting and Auditing (Full Inter-)
Accounting and Taxes (Management Studies)
Administration - Inspection, Supervision and Audit In Public Administration
Arbitration Law
Archaeology of War
Art (Art)
Assisting Children with Developmental Problems
Audit and Internal Control (Management Studies)
Capital Market Law
Challenges For International and Polish
Chemical Metrology
Clinical Diagnosis of The Child and His Family
Coach Histological
Cognitive Skills Trainer
Company Law
Competition and Regulation In Infrastructure Sectors
Competition and Regulation of The Sector (Management Studies)
Contemporary Culture of The United States of America
Control of Public Institutions
Counseling and Career Planning of People with Disabilities
Criminal Law For Judges and Prosecutors
Criticism of Music
Cultural Communication
Culture, Science and Education In The Eu (File)
Eaching Polish As A Foreign Language
Eastern Europe
Economic Efficiency and Profitability of Projects. Economics of Project Management In Enterprises and Public Institutions
Economics and Business Law (Faculty of Management)
Education and Initial Therapy Teaching Children with Specific Learning Difficulties
Education For Safety
Education Initial and Re-Education
Emergency Management
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
Environmental Teacher (File)
Ethics and Politics
European Law
European Studies
Europeistyczne University
Evaluation of Projects Funded By The European Union
Evaluation of Social Programs
Expert Property Marketing Agency and Property Management
Financial Reporting, Analysis and Interpretation
For Teachers Mazovia Region Ii In Teaching The Subject At The Direction of Biology and Nature
For Teachers of Chemistry (File)
For The Teachers of Geography
Gender Studies - Cultural and Social Issues of Gender Identity
Geography and Nature (Part Funded By The European Union Under The European Social Fund)
Glottodidactics Polish Language - Teaching Polish As A Foreign Language
Health Education and Health Promotion In Schools
Human Resource Management
Humanitarian Aid
Implementations of Integrated Management Information Systems
Inclusive Education For Disabled Children
Independent Education
Industrial Property
Information Management. Information Technology
Insurance Law
Integrated Rehabilitation of Children with Early Brain Damage
Intellectual Property
Intercultural Communication In The Field of International Security"
Intercultural Relations
Internal Security
International Law
International Migration
International Migration Today
International Migration: The Integration of Immigrants - The Experience
Internet Studies Europeistyczne
Journalism and Communication
Journalism Investigation and Judicial
Knowledge About Society (Teachers)
Knowledge About The Culture - Cultural Animator
Knowledge of Developing Countries
Labour Law
Labour Law and Social Security Law In A Market Economy
Language In Action
Language Text Editors
Latin American Studies
Law, Economics and Management In Business
Legislative Issues
Legislative Issues
Literature Xxi Century
Lobbying In The European Union
Local Government and Local Development
Management - Career Guidance
Management - Corporate Social Responsibility
Management - Establishment
Management - European Manager
Management - International Accounting
Management - Manager Public
Management - Valuation and Value Management Companies
Management and Evaluation of Projects Supported By The European Union
Management Education
Management For Developers
Management In Health Care (Management Studies)
Management In The Public Sector
Management of Cultural Goods and Promotion of Heritage
Management of Parishes and Ecclesial Institutions
Management of Projects Co-Financed with Eu Funds
Management of Specific Hazards In The United States
Management of The Authors, Artists and Cultural (Management Studies)
Management of Urban Public Transport
Managerial Studies - Marketing of Financial Services
Managerial Studies - Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products
Managing A Commercial Bank. Money and Banking
Managing For Sales Managers
Managing Labour Market Policy
Managing The Social Economy
Marketing In The Public Sphere
MBA Warsaw - Illinois Executive (Wiemba)
Mechanisms of The Euro Area
Media Culture
Media Management
Medical Law, Bioethics and Sociology of Medicine
Methods of Social Research and Market
Microbiology, Hygiene, Environment - Safety and Quality In Industrial Practice
Modern Russia
Modern Slavic Countries of Central and South
Modern Standards of Corporate Governance
Museum Education Studies
National Security
Negotiation, Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution
Negotiations with The Elements of Marketing (Management Studies)
New Literature and Books For Children and Youth For The Challenges of Modernity
Online Journalism
Online Postgraduate Studies" Geotourism "
Online Postgraduate Studies," The Development In The Era of Globalization - Global Development "
Operational Risk Management Commercial Bank
Organised Crime and Terrorism
Organization and Management of Education
Penitentiary Study
Philosophy and Ethics
Photography Press and Advertising
Physics and Astronomy
Policy of The European Union (File)
Polish Philology For Teachers
Polish Sign Language
Polish Studies Used
Politics and Society of The United States of America
Postgraduate Course of History
Postgraduate Studies In Archiving and Document Management (Course of Archival Theory and Methodology)
Postgraduate Studies In Eastern Europe
Postgraduate Studies In History and Culture of Jews In Poland
Practical Rhetoric
Prevention and Rehabilitation
Probation Officer - Methods of Probation
Professional Communication: Public Speaking, Negotiation, Discussions, Media Relations
Project Management (Management Studies)
Project Management (Project Management)
Promotion of Culturally Different People In The Labor Market
Promotion of Knowledge About Poland
Property Management
Protection and Environmental Management
Psychology of Advertising
Psychology of Transport
Public Administration - Central and Local Administration
Public Procuremen
Public Procurement - The Practical Aspects of The Use of Public Procurement Law
Public Relations
Public Relations and Communication
Public Relations In Public Services
Publishing and Bookselling
Quality As The Basis For Competitiveness In The European Market
Reading and Media Education
Real Estate Agency
Rehabilitation of Children with Developmental Disabilities
Religious Studies
Resolving Conflicts and Social Participation
Risk Management and Management Control In The Public Sector
Scientific Information
Sex Education
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy - Problems Reading and Writing At School
Sports Journalism and The Promotion of Sports
Statistical Methods In Business
Strategic Audit of Public and Private Institutions
Supervision and Control Over The Quality of Local Government Law (Law Faculty)
Talent Management In The Company'S Strategy
Taxes and Tax Law
Teacher Education: Current Problems of Language and Literature
Teachers' Specialization (Polish Language Used)
Teaching English
Teaching English (Was Fortunate - Nkja)
Teaching English (Was Fortunate - Paedagogika)
Teaching For Teachers with No Professional Training
Teaching French
Teaching Geography and Entrepreneurship
Teaching German (4)
Teaching German (5)
Teaching The German Language
Territorial Marketing - Promotion of Regional and Urban Development
The Development In The Era of Globalization - Global Development
The European Marketing
The Financial Management of The Company (Management Studies)
The Knowledge of U.S. Law
The Labor Market, Vocational Guidance and Job Placement
The Law of Evidence, Forensics, and Related Sciences
The Leadership of The Local Government
The Mortgage Banking and Real Estate"
The Organization of Social Assistance
The Psychological Basis of Media Communications
The Psychologist and Educator In Modern School
The Psychology of Judicial
The Psychology of Personnel Management
The Teaching of French Language (Was Fortunate)
The Teaching of Nature
The Teaching of The Humanities In English, Social, Natural, Sciences and Art
The Texts of Contemporary Culture
The Use of Chemicals In The Environment
The War In Historical Perspective
The Word On The Screen, Both Orally and In Writing
Therapy and Training Group
Trade Policy
Underwater Archaeology
Uropean Masters In Conference Interpreting
Valuation of Property
Work and Social Policy, Specializing In Social Welfare Organization