University of Vigo
Region: Southern Europe
Country/Region: Spain
Found Year: 1989
Address: Reitoría, Campus Universitario de Vigo

Established in 1990, the University of Vigo has managed to consolidate itself in time as a reference of modernity and innovation in Galicia. Its three campuses at Ourense, Pontevedra and Vigo offer degree programs in the fields of science, humanities, technology and legal-social. These are distributed over nearly twenty centers where research groups also carry out their R&D activities. A network of own centers completes the research infrastructure map of the University of Vigo, which has been ranked fifteenth in the classification of Spanish universities for its scientific production. In order to provide a response to society's demands for comprehensive training of professionals, the three campuses of the University of Vigo have infrastructures that are exclusively destined for leisure activities, and these include swimming pools, sports pavilions, theatres and exhibition halls. It likewise promotes and facilitates student mobility and has achieved number one status in Galicia with respect to number of incoming foreign students and number of outgoing students to foreign universities. Modern, audacious and plural, the University of Vigo’s principal assets are its people. Our web page: is directed so that people can get to know us not only on issues related to teaching and research but also to learn about our firm commitment to comprehensive training and about the vocation we place at the service of our society. The general objectives of the Universidade de Vigo concerning the internationalization are to promote the exchange of professors, researchers, students and administrative staff and prepare them for the global labor market; to gain recognition in the international education market, establishing strategic partnerships, and internationalizing the teaching and research; to promote innovative international projects in a framework of multilateral and cross-border cooperation and to attract and retain the best, for example by participating in all European calls both in education and research. Areas of excellence: Marine Sciences, Material Sciences, Agriculture and Biology, Biotechnology, Industrial engineering, Telecommunication & Computer Engineering, Tourism, Business Administration and Management. Availability of language courses for foreign students or researchers: University of Vigo’s Language Center provides a broad range of Spanish, Galician and international language courses specifically adapted to its visiting students and researchers (c.f. Availability of housing facilities for foreign students or researchers: University of Vigo owns an on-campus student residence. The International Relations Office provides assistance in finding accommodation in private apartments to all visiting students and researches. As a general rule, a suitable accommodation is found in less than two days. Academic and innovative productivity in the areas of excellence: Scientific Production Normalized Impact, position in Spanish Universities (Informe CyD - Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo): Material Science: 1st; Computer Science: 2nd ; Agriculture and Biology: 4th Infrastructure available: State-of-the-art laboratories in all areas of study, sport facilities (olympic pool, courts,gym, ...), university libraries, student associations, cafeterias, on-campus commercial area (banks, bookstore, convenience shops, ...), etc. Prizes and Certificates of Excellence: International Excellence Campus “Campus do Mar” (

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
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Food Science & Technology
Agricultural Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students