University of Iceland
Region: Northern Europe
Country/Region: Iceland
Found Year: 1911
Address: Saemundargata 2

The University of Iceland is an international research university that has strong obligations to Icelandic society, culture and language. Currently, there are about 14,000 students enrolled at the University in undergraduate and graduate programmes, including approx. 1100 foreign students. The University is authorized to award doctoral degrees in all its fields of studies. The University collaborates closely with many of the world’s leading research universities and university faculties. The research activities of its employees have grown rapidly in recent years, and international criteria show that the impact of their research has increased substantially. The University of Iceland has served the Icelandic community for 100 years and has been an active participant in the transformation of Icelandic society during this time. On the centennial anniversary of the University, its employees and students look toward the future, determined to strengthen the Icelandic community by achieving excellence in teaching, research, and innovation, increasing its ties with the business community and society, and fostering social responsibility and international collaboration. The University serves the Icelandic community best by being both a dynamic international research university and a leading Icelandic educational institution engaging in vigorous research of Icelandic culture, language, community and nature. In 2006 the University of Iceland set itself the ambitious long-term goal of becoming one of the leading universities in the world. The University specified numerous intermediate goals for this process, and its employees made a united effort to achieve them. The University has closely monitored the progress. Now, near the end of the first phase, the University has comprehensively evaluated the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and ascertained that most of the goals have been achieved, and in some instances key criteria show that results have exceeded plans. During the period 2005–2010, The number of academic articles by the University's scholars published in international peer-reviewed journals (ISI journals) increased from 260 to 550 (2009), and the citations increased from 5100 to 10,000 (2009).The total amount of funding from non-Government sources increased by 78%, and grants from international competitive funds tripled. The number of registered doctoral students increased from 166 to 440 and the number of doctoral degrees awarded from 13 in 2005 to 36 in 2010.The number of grants to doctoral students increased to 106; there were no such grants available in 2005.The impressive results obtained in recent years show that the University's long-term goal is realistic. In the last couple of years, circumstances in Iceland have changed dramatically, and the University has taken these changes into account. The University has reiterated its goals and believes that it has never been as urgent as now to have high goals for the University. It is imperative to find new ways and employ new methods to reach our goals. Success rests on harmonizing efforts and better utilizing basic resources. To that end the determination to increase collaboration in teaching as well as research is of great importance, along with determination to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation. Accomplishments in teaching and research give the University opportunities to work more closely with leading educational and research institutions in all parts of the world and give students new opportunities to complete part of their studies at these institutions. In this way international collaboration is strengthened, and the Icelandic educational system grows and becomes stronger. POLICY ON RESEARCH AND INNOVATION The University of Iceland is a rapidly growing research university with the long term goal of being one of the leading universities in the world. For this purpose the University emphasizes a productive research environment, excellence in research, dynamic Master's and PhD programmes, innovation and the utilization of knowledge. The University strives to ensure efficiency and quality in all areas of its endeavours. To support its Strategic Plan, the University recognizes the need to diversify and expand funding from non-Government sources, e.g. international and domestic competitive funds. The infrastructure of PhD programmes will be strengthened in accordance with internationally recognized standards and quality criteria. POLICY ON TEACHING AND LEARNING A dynamic undergraduate curriculum in diverse academic areas has been the hallmark of the University of Iceland for decades. A demanding University curriculum emphasizes students' independent and meticulous work procedures, close cooperation between students and teachers, good study facilities and students' diverse opportunities to do independent research projects in collaboration with parties from the business community and society. In addition to basic knowledge and technical skills in a particular area, the entire curriculum at the University ought to promote proficiency in academic procedures, critical thinking and sound ethical judgment that will serve students in advanced studies and their work as responsible citizens. POLICY ON HUMAN RESOURCES Employees and students are the University's cherished resources, and the University greatly emphasizes their welfare. Communications within the University are characterized by mutual respect and trust. The University strives to promote the welfare, well-being and health of employees and students, for example, through a good work environment, diverse job enrichment and motivation for results and quality in studies and work. Strong leadership, dynamic teamwork and creative individuals are the key to the University's quality culture and excellence. POLICY ON SOCIAL AND GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY The University of Iceland is Iceland's premier educational institution and has far-reaching duties to domestic society, nature, culture and language. The University discharges its social and global responsibilities primarily through dynamic research and teaching. It is important for the University to participate in development and innovative projects and to make its research findings, and new solutions emerging in the international academic community, available to the Icelandic society. It is important that the University's scholars engage in constructive criticism in their respective forums of expertise, and that they participate actively and professionally in public discussion. The University emphasizes that its employees and students shall be responsible citizens in a democratic society. As an international research university, the University makes an important contribution to the academic community, prepares its students to participate in the international community and provides them with training to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
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Remote Sensing
Earth Sciences
Biological Sciences
Public Health
Political Sciences
Human Biological Sciences
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students